Marcel Ciolacu a anunțat că, în ședința de luni a Consiliului Politic Național al PSD, va fi validat calendarul alegerilor prezidențiale, precizând că datele au fost stabilite astfel încât să evite suprapunerea cu Sărbătorile Pascale. Întrebat dacă datele stabilite pentru alegerile prezidențiale sunt corecte sau dacă ar fi putut fi programate mai devreme, Ciolacu a […]
The main conceptual idea is that the Romanian government has officially set the dates for the next presidential election to be held on May 4th and May 18th, 2025.
This decision was made to avoid overlapping with Easter celebrations during the electoral campaign.
The main conceptual idea is that the Romanian government has officially set the dates for the next presidential election to be held on May 4th and May 18th, 2025. This decision was made to avoid overlapping with Easter celebrations during the electoral campaign.